Living WIthout Fear


Do you have dreams and goals?  There are some people that are called to teach, act, speak, motivate, sing, act. Or maybe you want to be a business owner…….Maybe your dream seems small to you – maybe you want to be a mother or a father.

Whatever you feel called to do or be, you face one big obstacle: intimidation.  A lot of people have accomplished your dream BEFORE you, and maybe you feel they’ve done it better. So what you feel is basically just fear, right? I’m not good enough or smart enough, no one will like me. I have nothing to offer to this industry. Or on the flipside, you KNOW you have something to offer but you fear not having the tools or knowledge to get it done.

Achieving the life of your dreams isn’t something that happens overnight. You don’t just decide you’re going to be the best at something and wake up the next morning with the influence and skills to accomplish your goals. But today, I want you to encourage you to keep your dreams and I want to help you.  I will be giving you 5 VERY IMPORTANT steps that I have used to succeed and they WILL help you. Stay tuned NEXT week and share the post. We are taking “Fear” by his nasty little horns and throwing him down in the name of Jesus! It’s going to be a great week!

With Great Love and Faith,


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2 thoughts on “Living WIthout Fear

  1. Coincidence or serendipity? Either way, I needed this post. I needed to hear this message right now. Thank you, Jayme!


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